This is Also How My Plants Get Treated

So, I basically created this about 5 years ago, and then completely forgot about it. Now is probably a good time to bring up that I was diagnosed with ADHD last year. Seems like everyone is, lately. I blame the Internet. And by that, I mean, I think the fact that everyone went through the pandemic and then REALLY had to find ways to work around their neurodivergence made them want to talk about it on the Internet. Which in turn made a lot of other neurodivergent people say, "Oh wait, that's why I'm like that?" Which is what happened to me. A lot of things in my life suddenly made a lot of sense. Fortunately, I wasn't one of those people who could never keep a job, but I would be at a job for about 2-3 years and just get absolutely sick of it, to the point where I dreaded going in each day and it was so hard to make myself be productive. I always beat myself up about it too, because I thought it just meant I wasn't disciplined enough or not a good employee. But that really wasn't the case, it's just that I wasn't giving my brain what it needed. 

This spreads into other areas of my life too. I have routinely picked up a new hobby about once a month as far back as I remember - I love the new hobby and I want to devote 1000% of my time to it. Until I don't, and then I get burnt out and drop it, and move on to the next thing, and so on and so forth. There are a few things that have persisted throughout my life though. In order, they are:

  • Video games (but does this even count because every game is new??)
  • Logic puzzles - nurikabe is my favorite
  • Music - listening to, playing, singing, never gets old, it's catharsis for me
  • Exercising - I just don't feel right if I go too long without working out, BUT I do need to switch it up a lot as to the type of workout
  • Jigsaw puzzles 
  • Reading

All other things (crafting, sewing, knitting, sports of any kind, cooking, meal prepping, rock hunting, guitar, flute, mechanical keyboards, keycaps, blogging, graphic design, writing, local theater, woodworking, and yes these are all hobbies I've had at one point) go by the wayside quickly. And I'm also noticing everything in my list up there is all based on activities that continually refresh content. Hmm. I almost put "planning" on that list, but I never actually consistently use a planner, I just really like buying planners and starting to plan, lol. 

I don't really see my brain as a problem though. I'm able to come up with creative solutions, and I'm always really enthusiastic about trying new things. I also really take joy in the little things in life. I have also implemented ways over time to help myself be more consistent. Instead of creating goals, I create processes in my life. Habits happen subconsciously, so I never get bored with them. If I can create healthy habits for myself, I don't have to worry about the outcome or think about what I'm doing. For example, I've made it almost automatic to buy certain foods that I can meal prep in a single day and then throw them in my freezer. Then, the rest of the week when I'm preoccupied, all I have to do is pop one of those frozen dinners in the microwave. This has improved my healthy eating way more than when I tried and failed multiple times to make food for myself every day. 

Another thing I try to do every day is make the bed as soon as I wake up. It keeps me from getting back into bed, and it gives me a dopamine hit of accomplishment first thing in the morning, which really helps me not get stuck in freeze mode later. 

I do miss blogging though. I only have so much time in the day, but I used to love writing and having back and forth with my readers. I hope I can stay consistent with this one.


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